The first week of this month highlights money and security issues as the signs of Cancer and Taurus are prominent. Watch for conflicts around family members in this area. A good part of the month has volatile Uranus connected to a possessive Mars in Taurus. This can mean sudden losses or even sudden gains, so the stock market may play this out.

       The watery planet of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces and the  structure planet of Saturn in Pisces has been going direct and will both turn retrograde on the 3rd and 4th. This creates a very introspective approach to our reality. It might make us look at our spiritual values and want to detach from the outside vibration of others. This can result in two different reactions. One might be to escape through depression and feeling powerless. The other might be to look inward in order to find faith in oneself and reject outside influences.

       The level of conflict rises verbally as Mercury in Leo makes an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius on July 4th.  Others may try and force their opinions on you or vice versa. Because we congregate around family and friends during this time of year, keep arguments to a minimum, as things can tend to get quite heated, with regrets of things we said to show up later. 

       There is an explosive combination of planetary activity on the 21st and 22nd. The Full Moon in Capricorn in the last degree opposite the Sun in Cancer creates tremendous conflict with traditional values. Mercury in Leo makes a hard aspect to Uranus in Taurus shaking things up. The Sun moving into Leo at the same time highlights and spotlights a shifting forward movement in world affairs.