September Forecast 2017


       The first week of the month has Mercury and Mars together in Leo, so this is the last eruption tying the Leo Solar Eclipse to the energy of someone forcing their will upon you. This will begin to abate as Mars will move into Virgo and Mercury will come out of retrograde on the 10th and also enter Virgo.

       Virgo wants to fix things, so now is the time to repair all the damage from the previous month and move from force to helping and understanding. All of the inner planets move into Virgo this month, which also includes a New Moon on the 19th. Where Leo represents ego and self will, Virgo is to serve above self. It is interesting that all of the human discourse and attacks in the previous months has now given way to humanitarian efforts for each other in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. It takes nature to show us at the end of the day, we are all human and in this together.

       We will experience the last opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. All current legal troubles will be highlighted and need to be dealt with. The Virgo energy of this month helps fix the conflicts that have been ongoing. Get a mediator if you are not able to do this yourself. The Sun moves into the justice sign of Libra on the 23rd helping with compromise. Pluto in Capricorn will make a favorable aspect to Mercury. These favorable combinations will open up the possibility of coming to a win/win outcome.