May 2017 Forecast

The first half of this month has Mercury conjunct Uranus in Aries. Information will seem to come at us at lightning speed. This is a good time to think outside the box and come up with new ways of seeing and doing things. This combination can give one a genius idea that comes from an intuitive impulse. On the down side, be careful of accidents and impulsively jumping to wrong conclusions, especially while Mercury is retrograde until the 4th.
Communication seems to be the theme of the month with Mars in Mercury’s sign of Gemini. The middle of the month has Mars squaring Neptune in Pisces. This can be a very deceptive energy. Don’t let others try and deceive you into believing what isn’t true. With Jupiter making a favorable aspect to Mars at the same time, listen to your own truth, so you can sort through the external noise.
Venus enters Aries this month and has two important aspects. One is a square to Saturn, which will make you look at all of the imperfections in your relationships. The other is an opposition to Jupiter, which makes you want more than you have. A scary proposition if you ask me. Since the Mercurial energy rules this month, again I warn you about jumping to conclusions.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 10th asks us to transform our desires from selfish concerns and look to others as a way to see that we all belong together in our need to feel connected.