Get ready to shift into a new cycle of energy change and a shift of consciousness starting this month. The Full Moon on the 7th brings out our spiritual compassion and service to those in need who have suffered and struggled over the past few months. The winter has been rough and Mother Earth has been showing her power. One of the major shifts of change is also on the 7th when the planet of structure enters the watery sign of Pisces. It’s time to build systems that move us toward compassion and not fear.

       With Jupiter and Chiron together in Aries this month, our faith and trust in ourselves will be tested. If you are not living your life on your beliefs, then where and why do you outsource them? This is an opportunity to challenge your fears, take control of your beliefs, and put then into some kind of form and practice.

       With Saturn now in Pisces for the next 2 years, the shift becomes a spiritual and artistic set of bricks we build upon. This is the time for the creative artist at all levels of form, be it the film maker, musician, technology through imagination, and any other visionary field. It also opens up the psychic and spiritual dimensions available to us. Learn to get out of your head, be quiet, and follow your soul’s desire.

       The Spring Equinox in Aries on the 20th only highlights even more the themes of a shift as the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Aries stand guard and ready to begin the Pisces consciousness as they sit next to the ruling planet Neptune. The God of the seas is now in charge and Pluto the planet of change and transformation briefly enters a new sign, Aquarius, also this month, asking us to move into the great unknown of possibilities.