With the Sun in Sagittarius along with Mercury and Venus the first week of the month, getting out socially and engaging with people is the energy. Lively conversations and going on new adventures is encouraged.

       The Full Moon on the 7th has Moon joining up with the Mars in Gemini. Energy speeds up in our movements and thoughts. It’s a very busy and active energy. Information from the past comes rushing forward to be resolved so we can move on. Our thoughts and ideas take on a more serious tone as Mercury begins to move into Capricorn.

       Jupiter moves back into fiery Aries on the 20th moving things along even faster. It’s time to let go of the past. Eliminate what you don’t need that holds you back, however that looks to you in your life and start planning for the new year. Watch your spending this holiday season so as not to create more financial burdens than you need. The less we carry with us moving ahead, the easier it will be.

       Christmas day as many planets lined up in Capricorn. Tradition and family take a brief hold, but this month is more about planning for the future as we move into an exciting New Year.