The energy of this month is ruled by what I describe as fixed energy due to strong Scorpio influences. Scorpio is fixed/stubborn concerning what it desires and that others close to them desire the same things. This begins with Mars entering Scorpio and a New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th. They will be in opposition to Uranus in the fixed sign of Taurus, also a stubborn  energy that doesn’t like being told what to do.

       Tensions increase as Mercury and Mars make a challenging aspect to Saturn in stubborn and fixed Aquarius on the 10th. That sign doesn’t want to go with the status quo. All of this leads to intense struggles in relationships with possible endings that cannot sustain an unhappy situation any longer.

         There will be many breaks with traditions and routines. Since this begins the season of the holidays, the most important time of family traditions, look for family members who might end old ways and begin new ones.

       By the 25th, Thanksgiving, the Sun and Mercury will have moved into freedom loving Sagittarius. But on Thanksgiving Day, the Moon in stubborn/ fixed Leo now makes an opposition to Saturn in Aquarius. Traditionalists vs rule breakers, should be interesting.