With Pluto making its third square to Jupiter on the 4th and Uranus goes retrograde in Aries on the 2nd, the first week of the month creates a dynamic where people try and force their beliefs on you. Arguments will heat up and this will create tension and irritability. Mars is also conjunct the Sun in Leo which makes this all the worse. Keep your distance from overbearing outside forces.

       The Aquarius Full Moon and lunar eclipse on the 7th makes you feel like you don’t want to belong to anyone else’s agenda. Saturn has been retrograde in Sagittarius which rules our beliefs. This has made us go in and reevaluate what is true for us individually versus what others may want for us.

       The powerful solar eclipse on the 21st is a super New Moon. It takes place in the sign of your creative self will, Leo. This signals a time of major endings and beginnings. It asks you if you are truly in command of who you really are, or are outside influences still directing your journey. Is your Soul voice guiding you? If not, then what is, because this is where the change needs to come from.

       The Sun will move into the service sign of Virgo on the 22nd. On the 25th Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius. So now that you have decided who you really are and what you believe to be true for only you, the next step is to give that to those who would want and value it.